Oh, brother -- the sun is shining, and Ann Coulter is out there making hay courtesy of a big, fat gift from Canadians. *sigh*
Her appearance at the University of Ottawa -- to be attended by about 100 students -- was cancelled due to a rowdy crowd of protesters. Even someone on my Facebook feed posted about how proud he was of what happened. For the record, I'm not. The value of hate speech laws prohibiting speech that targets identifiable groups is debatable at best. But being clueless enough to feed a well-remunerated, practiced troll like Ms. Coulter this kind of grist is just eye-rollingly stupid -- it'll keep her mill spinning long after one little appearance would have been forgotten. She's already planning to file a human-rights complaint of her own, and I can't say I blame her. Way to go, guys. *sarcastic golf clap*