So I went and got myself a(n almost) brand-new notebook a couple weeks ago – a Toshiba Satellite 1400. I call it my Mobile Intelligence Unit, mainly because I've spent the time since the purchase loading up the hard drive with useful/semi-useful/useless-but-entertaining information and tools for On-the-Go Coffee Achievers like myself. This includes a fairly substantial subset of my CD collection, suitably ripped and set up with playlists in Winamp. Now I'm taking it for a test drive. As I type this, I am seated in the Coffee Exchange on Ouellette Avenue, watching pedestrians go by, listening to October Project, and setting out some thoughts. If nothing else, this purchase just might get me to do some of the writing I keep meaning to do – as it takes completely contrived scenarios like this to justify the expense of the damned thing.
The real test will come when all those promises of publicly-available wireless networks start to be fulfilled. I have been so looking forward to indulging my Internet semi-addiction in a wide variety of public places, but so far, I haven't discovered a single one in the city of Windsor – not even at Starbuck's, which I thought was at the forefront of this kind of thing. To my mild surprise, even the University didn't have any wireless access going – although why this should matter mystifies me just a little bit, since I have little or no reason to hang around there nowadays, and I wasn't trying to do anything I can't do just as easily, or more easily, at home. I guess it's just the magic of having a new toy and wanting to see it work.
Aside from working out (about which more below), the one thing other that had me on the University campus recently was a parking ticket I got at one of the pay-and-display lots by the St. Denis Centre. It was my own stupid fault, naturally, since I forgot to bring change. The ticket gave the fine as $25, but said the amount would be half that if paid by March 31st, so off I went. Unfortunately, the University doesn't seem to coordinate its parking activities with the city, so I couldn't just go through the city drive-thru downtown at my own convenience. Instead I had to sacrifice a lunch hour for the privilege of paying my $12.50, only to be told when I got there that I supposedly had two other tickets on file, one of them dating back to 1998, and the amount was over fifty. I hadn't the cash on me, and after a moment's reflection, it struck me rather forcefully that if I had been carrying two parking tickets for five years with no discernible negative consequences, then a third would hardly require my attention either. So I left. Most likely, unless and until I ever go back to school, it won't be an issue. In the meantime, if they want my money, let them come and break my kneecaps.
Yes, I have been working out steadily over the last several months, although not to such an extent that I expect to win any awards. My main goal being to lose weight, I devote most of my time to fat-burning exercises as opposed to weights, aerobics, etc. Once I reach my goal, this may change. Combine the workouts with a diet lower in fat than I can remember in my adult life (almost completely free of Whoppers, Big Macs and Taco Bell, although I backslid last weekend and ordered a pizza), and I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with the results so far:
8 Jan 2003: 212.7 lb.
15 Jan 2003: 213.6 lb.
17 Jan 2003: 210.7 lb.
22 Jan 2002: 209.7 lb.
28 Jan 2002: 207.8 lb.
5 Feb 2003: 205.8 lb.
12 Feb 2003: 205.1 lb.
14 Feb 2003: 202.0 lb.
19 Feb 2003: 201.5 lb.
26 Feb 2003: 201.4 lb.
5 Mar 2003: 197.3 lb.
12 Mar 2003: 197.7 lb.
19 Mar 2003: 195.1 lb.
26 Mar 2003: 192.8 lb.
2 Apr 2003: 192.4 lb.
Before you know it, I'll be ready for the beach.