Friday, September 25, 2009

Thanks to a recent CRTC decision, smaller Internet service providers in Canada may be forced out of business because larger carriers will be freed to employ monopoly pricing against them. With only the big telcos and cable companies left, we may all soon see our access to the Internet reduced, monitored, shaped, curtailed and put behind toll barriers... but at least, due to the lack of effective competition in Canada, we will all have the opportunity to spend more money for our reduced service. Don't you feel fortunate?

This, after I switched from Cogeco to TekSavvy specifically because only the smaller, independent ISP provided the services I wanted. Bell Canada already imposes traffic shaping and deep packet inspection on me even though I'm not their customer. This is crap. Crap, crap, crap, and if you're paying for Internet access in Canada (even from one of the big boys), you need to click over to to stand up for your rights while it's possible you might be able to rescue them.

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