Update to last post: Good news happens in threes, I guess. Julia Fordham will be playing a set at the Ark in Ann Arbor, followed by a Patty Larkin set - with Merrie Amsterburg playing in Patty's band!
I've enthused about Merrie Amsterburg before to a few people; how I came to hear of her is a fluke, since I don't know how well known she is outside of the Boston area. It was New Year's Day, 2001, and I had CBC Radio on. One of the programs was playing music themed on the year 2001 (as in, "A Space Odyssey", etc.), and they played her cover version of "Walking on the Moon" by the Police. I was hooked immediately, and through the wonders of the Internet, I was able to start downloading music in a couple of minutes. After scouring record stores in Windsor and Detroit, I ended up ordering the CDs online - never regretted the expense. Overnight, they became instant favourites that I can listen to over and over and never get tired. Your mileage may vary, naturally.
In any case, a musical confluence of this magnitude cannot be ignored. Don't expect to see me the evening of May 10, since if at all possible, I intend to be there to collect some autographs.