Seen on alt.folklore.urban:
Subject: Re: UL: NASA and the bible / missing day
From: Ralph Jones
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 08:53:16 -0600, "Tom Sevart"
>> >Alastair Rae scribed in news:3e48ead5.79332744@firewall:
>> >> What goes on in a guy's head as he tells as fact a blatant untruth
>> >> - a fiction of his own devising - to a class of school kids?
>It's called "pious fraud." In other words, some people believe that it's OK
>to make up a story or fake a miraculous event in order to get people to
>believe. Or in other words, the ends justify the means.
You mean I WOULDN'T have gone blind?