So the iPad overheats in sunlight and has spotty and unreliable WiFi. I'm told I can't tether it to the 3G coverage I'm already paying for on the iPhone - I have to *COUGH*jailbreak*COUGH* pay all over again. (In fairness, I don't know yet if this applies to Rogers/Fido.) And, there seems to be no such thing as a legitimate movie-, TV- or music-streaming app that can be used in Canada: Hulu, NetFlix, Pandora and the rest remain but tantalizing pipe dreams. So what am I expected to pay good money for when it releases in Canada later this month? This thing is a wait-for-version-2.0 product, at best.
Lorne Beaton's Blog
Hey, man, no one's forcing you.
Rumour has it that the next version will have 3G. I think the next version is due out in about a month in the U.S.
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